Unveiling Thyroid Health: signs, symptoms and their root causes

Thyroid health is a cornerstone of overall well-being, influencing various bodily functions. As a naturopath, I often encounter clients exhibiting signs of an underactive thyroid, a condition that can significantly impact their quality of life. In this blog post, we will delve into the signs of an underactive thyroid and explore naturopathic perspectives on the root causes behind thyroid imbalances.

Signs of an Underactive Thyroid:

  1. Chronic Fatigue: Persistent fatigue that doesn't improve with rest.

  2. Weight Gain/Difficulty Losing Weight: Unexplained weight gain or challenges in shedding excess weight.

  3. Water Retention/Puffy Face: Swelling and puffiness, especially in the face.

  4. Thinning Hair + Eyebrows: Hair loss, particularly on the scalp and outer eyebrows.

  5. High LDL: Elevated levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.

  6. Dry Skin, Brittle Nails: Skin and nails that lack moisture and become brittle.

  7. Low Libido: Decreased interest in or desire for sexual activity.

  8. Inability to Put on Muscle Mass: Difficulty in building and maintaining muscle mass.

  9. Easy Bruising: Bruising easily or experiencing unexplained bruising.

  10. Constipation, Bloating: Irregular bowel movements accompanied by bloating.

  11. Depression: Persistent feelings of sadness or low mood.

  12. Cold Often (Hands and Feet): Frequently feeling cold, especially in extremities.

  13. Low Body Temp/Slowed Heart Rate: Below-average body temperature and a slowed heart rate.

  14. Heavy or Irregular Periods: Menstrual cycles characterized by heaviness or irregularity.

  15. Brain Fog/Slowed Speech: Cognitive difficulties and a sluggish rate of speech.

Root Causes of Thyroid Problems:

  1. Chronic Stress: Chronic stress directly suppresses thyroid function and depletes the body of vital nutrients.

  2. Poor Circadian Health: Retina-hypothalamic tract signaling and thyroid hormone production are stimulated via morning light. Cortisol dysregulation can inhibit TSH secretion.

  3. Poor Diet/Lack of Thyroid Supportive Nutrients: Inadequate intake of tyrosine, copper, selenium, vitamins C, A, D, B12, zinc, and iodine, coupled with blood sugar imbalances, can contribute to thyroid issues.

  4. Gut Issues: Conditions such as dysbiosis, infections, low stomach acid (HCI), and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) can affect thyroid health.

  5. Poor Liver Function/Toxin Overload: The liver's inability to convert T4 to T3, crucial thyroid hormones, can result from poor liver function or toxin overload.

  6. Voice Suppression/Emotional Trauma: Emotional trauma and voice suppression can have a profound impact on thyroid health, highlighting the mind-body connection. This is also referred to as the throat chakra.

When treating clients in clinic, once we have identified a thyroid issue through performing a full thyroid panel (TSH, TPO-Ab, T4, T3, reverse T3), then it’s time to dig a little deeper into other functional tests that can pin point your root cause. I take all of these potential root causes into consideration and develop a personalised treatment plan that help to heal your thyroid issues from the ground up. Whether that is stress or nutritional deficiencies, we work on these and ideally can heal the thyroid naturally with no need for future medication.

If you would like to do some deeper work on your thyroid and these potential root causes then book in for an appointment by clicking here.


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